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Top 5 Ways To Make Internal Links Work Like A Pro

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Internal links, if used properly, can help Google identify and rank content better. Additionally, they assist websites in attracting online consumers, crawlers, and link equity at a desirable rate.

Inbound links are a valuable resource that can become a powerful tool in the right hands. Here’s how you can use them better:

Use Key- Markers to Embed Inter-connected Links

The location of your internal links has to be prime for them to be clicked and noticed as frequently as they deserve. The objective of these should be to ‘lead one on’ to more sections of your content and dive deeper into your world. They act like ‘keys’ to unlock your website and explore further.

The most ingenious example of this expert internal linking is how e-commerce websites plant their middleweight pages as links to reach their product pages.

Refresh and Refurbish by Spring Cleaning Your Website

The worst experience of a website is when it does not deliver as it promised. When it comes to internal linking, any existing broken links leave a bitter after-taste for the user. Dust your links off, from time to time. A little maintenance goes a long way when it comes to quality-content and building the consumer’s trust.

Audit your website for any broken internal links every few months as a part of your routine website maintenance.

Avoid Looping

Loops are good when they serve you a pleasant purpose. Like fruit loops. Things can go south really quickly when you mix loops and wild treks. Each inter-link within your website should lead to a constructive page of helpful content. Even if you have to re-direct the user to another page, be mindful that the redirection itself should not be redirected again.

In case of click-depth, a good rule of thumb is to reserve no more than three clicks for the user to reach the desired product page. Any more and you risk user confusion and boredom, resulting in the user abandoning the website altogether. Make the experience feel like a hybrid of the sweetness of fruit loops with an adventure of a wild trek.

Stay Away from Overcrowding

You must’ve heard the saying- “too many cooks spoil the broth”. Putting too many internal links risk confusion and quick website abandonment by the viewer.

Be aware of how many inbound links you include in a web page. If, and only if, they are important, do they deserve a place on your webpage.

Pre- design Links Along with the Content

Addition of inbound links after the content gets finished can lead to artificiality in connecting the overall picture of your business. Always prefer to build internal links as you proceed with the development of the content. It will bring out an organic vibe to your website.

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